
A big announcement!

Dear Brad Keeler afficionados,

First, if you haven't already found it, I've created a Facebook Group for anyone interested in either Brad Keeler or Rufus Keeler ceramics, including a member's only room to share buying and selling information.

And: I am writing a book.

Right now I'm at about 13k words toward a first draft. I have page upon page of research. I've conducted interviews with family members and am still working on conducting more. I'm actively seeking out anyone who might have had a connection to any of the potteries where either Rufus or Bradley worked, and/or who are knowledgable about the ceramic arts industry. 

My aim is to develop a well-rounded portrait of who these men were both to their friends and family as well as to their colleagues in the ceramics industry, their contributions to the field of ceramic arts, and to trace the family history that led to today, going back to Rufus' upbringing, the influence of father, his mother, and his half-brother; his career from its beginnings making sewer pipe to his death working for Emsco Refractories; his influence on his eldest son Brad's career in the ceramic arts, Brad's early life, marriage, ascension to success, and then his untimely death at 39 and how that affected his family--including his youngest daughter/my mother, all the way down to me and my sons, one of whom is named after him.

My mom and I have done a few field trips, including to the Garden of Memory and Great Mausoleum at Forest Lawn in Glendale, where both Brad and Rufus are interred, as well as Rufus' father, wife, and middle son. We've also been out to the Adamson House again, and to see his youngest son Phil Keeler's widow, Audrey. We also found the house in Laguna Beach in Three Arch Bay where Brad and family lived when he died (It's gated, so I had to talk my way past the guard shack!) as well as a summer place they rented on Pacific Coast Highway. We also took a trip out to San Juan Capistrano and visited the site of the Brad Keeler Artwares factory and the mural that still stands.

I have a road trip up the coast planned to visit all of the important landmarks. Lots more in store. I promise to post more frequent updates from here on out.

So, please stay tuned, get in touch, and take care.


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